Mystical Asenova Fortress

It has been a few days now that I am back in little, cozy Luxembourg and I had some time to reflect on and soak up all the benefits this last holiday has given me.

It was a short holiday, but filled with so many activities and travels. We spent the first half of our vacation by the sea – we travelled the entire south coast of Bulgaria. We decided to go to places that are not so well known by tourists, as I prefer being in quiet and cozy places, untouched and secluded. Those little beaches have allowed me to fully relax – something I have to admit hasn’t been easy in the last few months.


So when we headed towards the mountains after one week, I was set up with an empty and open mind, and was fully present to the beauty and calmness the Rhodope Mountains had to offer.

Karadjov kamak in Rhodope Mountains – a Thracian rock sanctuary

In this mystical range something else happened – something that became the highlight of my vacation. I was already so relaxed, and by this I noticed how perceptive I became – to nature and beauty and to everything that was surrounding me. We did a lot of hiking and every time I felt as if I was reaching a new level of perception. All this has allowed me to reconnect with myself on a deeper level, to ask some questions that sometimes I was afraid to even think of. I managed to find the answers of those questions, because (you guessed it) all those answers were already in me. They were just buried so deep under the daily tasks and worries and under so many distracting emotions that come to the surface and confuse you.


I feel so incredibly grateful because I now feel recharged and more determined than ever, and feel that clarity not only in my mind, but also in the direction my life is taking. I have realized again just how powerful nature is, and how much it can help us to get in touch with our true selves.

Popovo Lake in Pirin

So if there is anything I would like you to take from this post it is the following – spend more time outside, establish a connection with nature. Even if it means a short walk in the forest or in the park, find that piece of nature nearby. Whenever you feel you need an answer for something, just go for a walk and empty your mind – you will be surprised how suddenly the answer you were looking for might appear right in front of you. I find so much inspiration in nature, and have also taken the decision to take time to detach from my everyday life, in order to reconnect with myself better.


One Thought on “The importance of detaching in order to reconnect”

  • “I managed to find the answers of those questions, because (you guessed it) all those answers were already in me.” LOVE THIS. There really is something about the solitude and connection to nature that really kind of cleanses your outer layer of worry away.

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