The content of this article is provided by blog contributor Rebekah who is sharing some tips on juicing. Enjoy! 

Need a quick and easy way to get your five a day? Juicing could be the perfect solution.

Juicing is a great way for people to get access to the recommend fruits and vegetables they need in their daily diet, and improve their intake of vitamins, minerals, and essential nutrients. Ultimately, the chances are that you won’t get half as many fruits and vegetables into your meals as you could if you started juicing.

Besides simply making you healthier, juicing can also help you to get rid of excess weight if you use the right recipes. Here, we’ll take a look at the key things you need to know when you’re getting into juicing for the first time, from when to juice, to what you need to drink, and more.

Why Should You Juice?

Ultimately, juicing is a great way to improve your nutritional intake without adding extra hours of preparation to your week. In today’s fast-paced world, juicing is the quick and simple way to enjoy whole-body nutrition. The main advantages of juicing include:

  • Improved health and better detoxification: The increased absorption of nutrients helps to repair and improve tissues in your body, and ensure that you’re prepared to better detoxify. You can even end up with brighter skin and stronger hair.
  • Juicing ensures better nutrition: Through the quick rate of absorption that juicing offers over eating whole fruits and vegetables, you can get more nutrients into your body, a lot faster.
  • Juicing gives your intestines and stomach a rest by helping to remove those hard-to-digest fibers. Although fiber can be very good for your body, removing it from the equation every now and again could be useful for a painful stomach.
  • When you juice, you can combine a range of fruits and vegetables that you wouldn’t typically consume, by using strong flavors like lemon and orange, alongside other ingredients like celery, cucumber, and carrots.

What Kind of Juicer Do You Need?

Juicers come in many different forms depending on what you need. For instance, you can invest in “centrifugal” juicers – which are the types you typically see at juice bars. These use a spinning blade at high speeds to slice and dice your vegetables. Because centrifugal juicers oxidize the juice, you end up with a different level of nutrients in your finished juice product.

There are also masticating and cold-press juicers, which are often considered to be more effective for people who want to use juicing for its health benefits. These solutions squeeze or crush the juice from the vegetables and fruits at a much slower rate, which helps to improve the amount of nutrients you end up with.

When Should I Be Drinking Juices?

Most experts agree that the best time to get the most out of your juices is first thing on a morning, or on an empty stomach. This is when your stomach is in the best position to absorb as many vitamins and nutrients as possible. When you drink a nutritious juice, your body absorbs everything you consume quickly and effectively, meaning that nothing gets wasted.

The best rule of thumb to follow is to drink your fruit juices first thing in a morning, so you can get all the complex carbohydrates into your system and fuel some extra energy. Later in the day, you can switch to green juices that contain less natural sugar.

What Should you be Juicing?

When it comes to juicing, the best place to start is by looking at the fruits that you enjoy most. You can mix those fruits with milder vegetables that won’t take away the flavor, such as cucumbers and carrots. After you’ve started to make juicing into more of a regular habit, you can introduce new flavors, like kale, and other high-antioxidant substances.

Remember that it can take some time to get used to the flavor of juicing vegetables to begin with, but the health benefits are huge if you can stick to it.

Remember to Listen to your Body

Overall, keep in mind that juicing should be something that feels good. You should enjoy drinking your juice each morning – so if you need to change up the flavors, don’t force yourself to stick to something you don’t like. Additionally, after you’ve had your juice, your stomach should feel calm and satisfied. If you notice a nauseous feeling then you’ve probably consumed something strange that your body isn’t used to. Try introducing new substances in small, slow doses.


Rebekah is a passionate writer and healthy-eating advocate. She’s always keen to try out the latest foods and recipes, explore new information about health and fitness, and expand her understanding of the world around her with constant learning.


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