September is here, and one can already feel the shifting of the seasons. The temperature drops, it is windy and the days get shorter. During this transition it is easier to catch a cold or get sick, as our bodies are adjusting to the new energy that comes with a new season. This can happen especially if we are rushing from place to place and are overactive, or feel out of balance. Autumn is a great season to cultivate calmness and be more grounded. It is the time of cozy blankets, warm teas and comforting meals. It is the time to focus more on your home life.

autumn Below you will find 5 tips on how to easily transit into fall and make the best out of this shifting energy that comes with the change of seasons.

1.Focus on warming foods

This is the perfect time for warming bowls, soups and dals. Enjoy some lentil stew, and eat plenty of the seasonal fall vegetables. Consume more root vegetables, such as beets, carrots and sweet potatoes. You can bake them in the oven with some nice spices, such as cumin or turmeric. This brings me to the next point – add warming spices to your menu, such as cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and garlic to your dishes.

2. Get grounded

Cultivate some stillness in your daily life. Meditate or journal. A great way to transition into fall is to journal over the past summer, or organise your summer photos in a nice album. Change up your exercise regime and include less vigorous activities such as yoga, stretching and walking.

3. Prepare your skin for the colder months

It is very common for your skin to become dry during this time of the year. Use natural oils, such as coconut or almond oil to massage your body daily, and apply some coconut oil onto your hands as well, especially before leaving the house. Dry brushing is great for this time of the year as well, as it improves the blood circulation of the skin and helps with detoxification.

4. Consider doing some kind of a detox

As the season’s changing this is a great time to help the body get rid of excessive toxins. You don’t need to go on an extreme detox diet, consider drinking more water (not cold but at room temperature!), start the day with some hot water with lemon, simplify your meals and do some yoga with detoxing poses.

5. Get your sleep routine in check

Creating a good sleeping routine is so important, so try to go to bed around the same time every evening. Make sure your bedroom is fresh and aired out. It is a great time to create a night routine if you don’t have one yet. Take a bath or shower before bed, and create a cozy ritual, it could be just reading your favourite book, or enjoying a cup of tea before going to bed.

Do you have any other suggestions on how to best transition into fall? I’d love to hear from you too! 

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