Homemade ice cream your entire family will love

As a nutritionist my interest in offering healthy food for children of course grew with my daughter. And so, I dug deeper in learning about how to offer nutritious foods that young children will eat. My daughter was not only cooperative and very willing to help with cooking, but she also started showing a growing interest in food as we created our little daily routine of cooking together. She would “slice” veggies with her children’s knife, or rinse the salad; she would mix the bowl and add some spices to a curry. It is always fun and further fosters our bonding.

Kid-friendly muffins with fruit and veggies

It is key to lay the right foundation and relationship with food from an early age. Our children will quickly learn to gravitate towards healthier food and choose it when we serve it at home, because they will have established a positive connection with it. I am not saying they won’t like sweets (let’s be real), but it is much easier to keep a healthy balance without difficulties.