Baked falafels

This recipe is quick and really easy to make. It is perfect as a last minute meal, because you can prepare the falafels with cooked chickpeas from a jar. The classic recipe for falafels uses soaked and raw chickpeas. And you know how beneficial it is to soak your legumes – if you don’t here’s an article about it – but sometimes life happens and you might be short on time.

Tofu Bolognese

Pasta is a thing in our house. My daughter loves it, and I like it too as it can oftentimes be prepared fairly quickly – it’s a perfect option for a weekday meal or for when you are not sure what to serve your kids. You know they won’t say no to pasta! 🙂 As a nutritionist however, I also want to make sure I serve a meal that will nourish the body and will provide with essential nutrients.